TE 127: Human Love

Episode 127 September 26, 2021 01:02:27
TE 127: Human Love
Talks in English
TE 127: Human Love

Sep 26 2021 | 01:02:27


Show Notes

Of all the powers that have gone into creation, the most powerful admittedly is Love. Without Love, creation could not be, without Love creation could not be pulled out of its darkness. But what really is Love, this most powerful lever that moves all things? It is the Mystery of mysteries, the Great Secret. The Mother reminds us in Her conversations with a disciple (May 16, 1960):

That is the great Secret, that which is behind the Existent and the Non-Existent, the Personal and the Impersonal – Love. Not a love between two things, two beings … A love containing everything….And what is wonderful is that at each moment the Grace, the Joy, the Light, the Love never cease pouring down in the very midst of all this – despite the ego, despite the shame, despite the unworthiness.’

Though there is only one Love, it takes different forms in different vessels just as the pure crystalline water from its pristine source mixes with mud in the container and becomes muddy.  In human beings love takes an appropriate human form. Because of the very nature of our humanity it thereby gets tainted with ego and desires, lust and vanity. Yet human beings are not fixed like other species. We can and do consciously evolve. The force or power of Love can be upgraded, refined and purified, uplifted and restored to its diviner heights. This is true of all divine forces that labour and suffer here upon Earth. Of course this is not an easy task since it is so much mixed in the human vessel with not only animal movements but sometimes even given dark and vicious distortions by the ‘Inconscient’ that constantly exerts a downward pull on man. In this talk we share some reflections on human love and its evolutionary possibilities especially in the context and backdrop of Integral Yoga.

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