A talk of Alok Pandey at the Integral Yoga Retreat in Greenville, South Carolina.
This world is not what it appears to be. It is a distorted appearance of a reality, and we are playing with this distorted appearance. Because we don’t perceive it rightly, therefore our responses are also not right responses. And here we use “right” not in the sense of a morally right and wrong, but from a higher standpoint. Moral framework we use to navigate through the appearances …
The first talk from a 9-part series “The Goal of the Human Quest” with Dr Alok Pandey, recorded in Sep 2018 at the Sri...
Questions and Answers Session with Alok Pandey Why do we die and what’s wrong with this question? How we do the Yoga of Cellular...
This is a question-answer session of the webinar on the deepening of consciousness. Questions include meditation, psychic discernment, surrender etc.